Thursday, January 7, 2010

The wandering deer

There was about 2 inches of snow laid down late in the night and into the early morning as I set out in the late morning. I was walking to my neighbor’s to feed their dog while they were away on vacation and decided to put on an extra layer just in case I found some interesting tracks and wanted to explore them a bit.

You see, just off my driveway on the way over I spied some tracks meandering along the brush and then taking a straight line across the front on yard. I discovered it was a deer and had come out of the brush and wandered slowly along the edge of the thicket, seeming weaving in and out to find the tastiest morsels. Intriguing I though. I continued on my way. There is a gas line clearing strip that runs between our houses, which I was following and came across another deer taking a straight line across the clearing. So noted, I continued.

After feeding the dog I decided to go up and visit grandfather Oak (see my previous blog) and observe him blanketed in snow. Some tracks just to north of where he lay caught my attention. A deer headed down into the small valley behind my house seemed like an interesting adventure for a few minutes.So i decided to start a bit of tracking.

This deer almost seemed drunk at times, weaving in and out of thickets, exploring downed tree tangles, and literally making a meandering pattern very much like an ancient river curves back and forth. It was nibbling on the browse at it went and a few times I misplaced the trail while on my hands and knees in the snow, slithering under brambles or over logs, only to pick it up again as it curved back around.

We eventually crossed a path with several other tracks using the path, but my friend took up a perpendicular tack straight into the open woodlands, discarding the weaving, yet still in no hurry. Suddenly back in the open woodland I saw something that startled me a bit.

The deer had clearly laid down for a nap! I could see where it’s leg was tucked up next to it’s body, it’s head and it’s tail, and could imagine it getting covered with a soft layer of snow as it rested. Then it got up, stretched, and continued.

I followed for a few yards then had a sudden realization…. This was the deer that had crossed the gas line clearing I noted! Not only that but after meandering down to the road, it crossed back up in the thicket and was the same deer I initially noticed browsing in the thicket next to my driveway! Full circle, nearly 2 hours later. I smiled as I watched it’s tracks disappear across the front yard into the meadow and away.

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